Hola Family and Friends!
For those of you who
do not understand the subject line of this email it means it has been cold here
in Yamasa! Well "cold". Unfortunately, I was even a
little cold this week in the mornings. It was a low of like 75 degrees.
I know I should not say I am cold because of where you are, but I think it is
kind of funny that I got a little cold and the people here are just freezing!
I also saw a man
walking a pig like a dog. The pig was not having it though, it was
screaming and whaling like no other. I felt really bad for it!
But anyway as for the
mission! I will be staying in Yamasa for this transfer! Yay!
We have so many great things coming in the next few weeks! We had some
great lessons this week and are working with a few of our investigators to be
baptized this month! My mission president, President Corbitt has shared
what the Lord has promised us if we do 5 things: have excepcional faith, talk
with everyone, be exactly obedient, ask for references, and work with
members. If we do these five things our mission will bring 300 souls unto
Christ through baptism! We are working really hard to do all of these
things and we are seeing miracles! Our zone has brought 16 souls unto
Christ so far this month! But here is the story of 2 of our investigators:
Gladys: We found
Gladys when we were waiting in the street for another appointment. She
approached us and said that she had talked with a member of the church before
and really enjoyed the conversation. We asked her if we could stop by her
house after our appointment and she said yes. We taught her the
Restauration and invited her to be baptized and she accepted. She truly
was a miracle and will be baptized this month! Ojo de la fe!
Orquidia: Okay
Orquidia is an absolute miracle! She worked in Villa Mella in the area of
our Hermana Leaders but lives in a suburb of Yamasa Saturday and Sunday.
Our Hermana Leaders taught her and then we were to follow up and have her
attend church. But recently the lady she worked for in Villa Mella told
her that she wont employ Mormons or have mormons in her house. Orquidia
said thats fine then I will leave and find another job! Wow!! What
incredible faith and an incredible example! She quit the job and in the
same day found a job that is less hours and pays more! What a
blessing! We went to go visit her on Sunday because she did not
come to church. We would have gone to get her, but she lives about 20
minutes in a bus away from us. But anyway we went to visit her and had a
wonderful lesson with her, her boyfriend, and one of their friends. All
of them accepted the invitation to be baptized. Now we are going to teach
them and help them progress! It was honestly a miracle!
Things are going well
here. So many miracles every day, big and small, and so many more to
My spiritual thought
for this week is from the talk from this past General conference by Elder
Bednar "If Ye Had Known Me" What a fabulous talk, I encourage
you all to read it again! He talks about 4 things we need to do to know
our Saviour: exercise faith in Him, Follow Him, Serve Him, and Believe
Him. While reading this talk this question popped into my head, Do I know
the Savior generally or personally and specifically? What a great
question to think about. Do we think that His promised blessings are just
for others or do we truly believe that we can receive the blessings He has
promised and that He is our personal Savior and Redeemer? I ask you all
to ponder this question and I know that I will be striving to better do these 4
things and to learn that He is my personal Savior.
Anyway a great
week! The pictures attached are my last district. Elder Palma is
from Mexico, Elder Cornellis is from Oregon, Hermana Periera from Brazil,
Hermana Pancake from Ohio, but her family now lives in Utah, and my companion
Hermana Chamu from Mexico.
The other is my zone,
and the other is me on my 4 month mark with one of my favorite foods! Platano
fritos! Yumm!
Have a great week
Hermana Steed